Comet Yxlon X-ray tech is used to visualize the internal structures of components without destroying them – from the smallest electromechanical parts to massive aircraft engines.
Keep product quality under control
Flawless quality assurance is the key to business growth. Non-destructive testing (NDT) with X-ray technology helps manufacturers guarantee the highest product quality, reliability, and safety and avoid product recalls, production stops, or downtimes. Comet Yxlon systems make performing X-ray inspections very convenient, fast, and cost-efficient.
Industrial X-ray is applied in
- First article inspection
- Quality assurance and material analyses
- Failure analyses, e.g., flaws, porosities, cracks, inclusions
- Assembly checking
- Measurements of outer and inner structures
- Inspection of samples, small serial productions, and 100% inspection
- Process control
Inspecting components of almost all sizes fast and efficiently
The range of objects that can be examined with industrial X-ray systems from Comet Yxlon is immense, ranging from micrometer-scale components in the semiconductor industry to complete motor vehicle engines.
A powerful look inside dense parts
Compared to X-ray used in medical imaging, industrial X-ray works with stronger energies, since most materials used in production have a much higher radiation-absorbing density than organic tissue. Comet Yxlon systems for non-destructive testing cover an energy range from 20 kV to 600 kV.
How does industrial X-ray work?
Aside from the object to be inspected, modern industrial X-ray essentially requires an X-ray source and an X-ray detector. The X-ray source emits the radiation from the focal spot into a cone and through the object. The radiation is then picked up by a one-dimensional line detector array (LDA) or two-dimensional flat-panel detector (digital detector array, DDA), similar to an oversized camera sensor.
The right focal spot: mini-, meso-, micro-, and nano-focus
According to their focal spot size, the different X-ray sources are called mini-, meso-, micro-, and nano-focus. Modern Comet Yxlon systems with a high X-ray source dose power and highly efficient detectors allow for very fast imaging, comparable to video.
Innovation through co-creation: the
CTScan 3
The close exchange with customers and a sharp eye for market developments are the drivers behind innovation at Comet Yxlon. Just one example: Inspired by the need for detectors that are able to handle scattered X-rays, as they occur in high-energy applications when examining dense materials, Comet Yxlon developed the CTScan 3, a line detector array (LDA) which is unbeaten in terms of resolution and stability.
Ahead of the industry with the latest detector models
Thanks to Comet Yxlon’s long-standing relationships with the leading manufacturers of digital flat-panel detectors, allow us to test new models early on – and are the first to incorporate the latest detectors in our X-ray systems.
Geminy: powerful CT techniques and image enhancement
As the single user interface for all workflows, the Comet Yxlon software Geminy uses automation, wizards, and presets to guide users smoothly through the inspection process. In addition, its powerful CT techniques facilitate the optimum part size spectrum, speed, and image quality. Software filters reduce or even eliminate typical artifacts to achieve reliable inspection results and high-quality data.
Collimators to reduce scattered radiation
Brilliant, high-contrast images of the highest resolution are required to reliably detect the smallest details and potential defects. Apertures (collimators), which are placed directly in front of the exit window of the radiation source, can already bundle the radiation during the scan and reduce disturbing scattered radiation, particularly with fan-beam CT.
X-ray, CT, 2D, 3D – what’s the difference?
In a nutshell: While the term “industrial X-ray” refers to the classical fluoroscopic process of generating two-dimensional (2D) images of a component, industrial computed tomography (CT) is the digital X-ray method that combines 2D image slices to create a three-dimensional (3D) model.
How safe is industrial X-ray?
For safe radiation protection, X-ray systems are designed with a lead radiation-tight enclosure or are installed in a radiation protection bunker. Special fuse circuits prevent the system from being opened while the X-ray is active.
Beyond classic X-ray and CT: computed laminography
Computed laminography is used for flat components that cannot be rotated in the X-ray system, such as aircraft doors, or for flat microchips, where laminography is much faster than CT.